Stay informed & Up to Date!

- December 2024: South End (larger side) water has been turned off for the Winter. Please plan to bring your own bowl, and do not share. Water is currently available on the North end as of 12/2/24. The County "might" turn off the North end water at some point until Spring.
- October 2024: General Meeting on October 6th, we elected new board members
- Westgrove Park needs you! The P.A.C.K. is looking for volunteers that are willing to help out, share ideas, and raise some money. To find out more click here.
- Small Dog Park "Hours" Interest: Help is needed with this field test. Interest has slowed — this can only happen at Westgrove with a strong, committed volunteer base. For more information and interest, please email us: [email protected]
- February 21st-April 27, 2024: The south (big) end of the park was closed for nearly 10 weeks for turf rest and reseeding. Smaller side (the north end was open during this time). On April 27th the whole dog park has opened for the season.
- Mowing: This is scheduled for early in Friday mornings before the park opens. If you are in the park when the mowers arrive, please leash your dogs until mowing is complete, for the safety of both the dogs and the mowing crew.
- Water bowls have been removed from the park per order by Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA). To prevent water-borne disease, park users are advised to use the new dog watering fountain, which provides fresh water and is self-draining.
- Why are trash can outside the park? The Park Authority has moved the trash cans outside of the park due to concern about the safety of their work crews. If you have comments about this change, contact [email protected].
- No Children in the park. As most of you know, children 8 and under are not allowed in the park. Although new signs have been posted at all gates, some parents choose to bring children into the park—even after been encouraged to leave for the sake of their children. If you see children in the park, please feel free to gently remind parents of the rules.